To really know if something is "greener" than an alternative, you need a lifecycle analysis. This considers how much energy and materials are used in the manufacture, during use, and for disposal of the items to be compared. It often includes a consideration of the recyclability or toxicity of the items after their useful life is over.
The New York Times has a brief report on a lifecycle analysis of LED lights compared to compact flourescents (CFLs) and incandescents. LED lights have an even longer life and lower energy consumption than CFLs -- but use a lot of energy in their manufacture. However, the lifecycle analysis indicates they use somewhat less energy over their life than do CFLs (and much, much less than incandescents). There are also links to more information about them.
We hope to have LEDs under the kitchen cabinets and in other locations in the new house. Their costs are falling, and this analysis indicates they are greener.
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